Tools for Creating a Resource Data Web Service Client Application

Multiple platforms can be used to create a client.

Microsoft .NET

For a client residing on a .NET web server, the following components are recommended:

  • Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 software or later (other versions may be used after recreating sample *.sln files)
  • Internet Information Server (IIS)

Java and JavaScript

For a client residing on a Java web server, the following components are recommended:

  • NetBeans® IDE software (Community Edition may be used)
  • GlassFish® Web Server

For JavaScript implementations, use the following to create a page-based client:

  • jQuery and JSON/AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) libraries, which utilize the loosely typed JSONObject class
  • Any popular web page editor to assist in JavaScript® software development

For a forms-based Java client, the NetBeans IDE can be used without a web server.

Other Platforms

Any development platform with the following criteria can be used to create a client:

  • The platform is able to send and receive HTTP messages over TCP.
  • The platform is capable of handling XML or JSON without string manipulation.

NOTE: Although it is possible to create a client application that extracts data directly from strings, it is highly recommended that an XML serializer or JSON parser be used to create objects, as future updates to the API could impact your existing development.